Wednesday, May 9, 2012

There is something you should know that we feel is of vital importance…..
“Throughout history, millions of people of average intelligence and education, or even less that, started with nothing and created wonderful lives…..
That’s because nature is neutral and knows nothing about your background;
It rewards whoever follows certain rules that have been shown over and over to produce results.
The truth is that most people can achieve whatever they want.
“Lots of smarter, but more skeptical people don’t try-and they remain unsuccessful.”
Brain Tracy- Success Magazine
“There is no mistake so great as the mistake of not going on.” William Blake
60% of American families are living at or just above poverty level.
That is over 140 million people in the United States alone!
Over 1.7 million jobs were cut last year. Are you the next number on the list?
Only 1 in 5 mothers is a “Stay at home mom.” Nearly half working mothers are single mothers working two jobs.
1 out of every 5 parents works 2 jobs. 74% of the children in the U.S. are cared for by people other than their parents. What does the future hold for our children?
What is the answer?
What if you or your spouse lost the ability to go to work? How long could you get by ,or How long would it be before you lost everything you own? Think about it…….
The disturbing truth is, after 40 year at age 65:
-          29% are dead
-          63% depend on family and social security
-          4% are financially secure
-          3% a still working
-          1% are wealthy
It is time to take control! ! !
How did the 1% wealthy do it?
74% owned their own business
The Internet and e-commerce along with Global Deregulation offer the ultimate leverage for you to start YOUR own business
The Greatest shift in mankind is starting to unfold Global Deregulation will create more millionaires than any other industry in the history of the world.
What does Deregulation mean to you?
It means tapping into a $7 Trillion Dollar... & Growing Industry
Long Distance= $80 Billion dollars Industry
Internet Global Shopping = $5 Trillion dollar Industry
Cellular Industry = $50 Billion Dollar Industry
Local Phone Deregulation = $50 Billion dollar Industry
Gas & Utility Industry Deregulation = $ 500 Billion dollar Industry
It Means Getting Paid for helping people save money on services they use every day
The Internet                      Cell Phones
On-line Shopping            Electricity
Paging                                  Natural Gas
Long distance                    Local Toll Calls
What difference could PASSIVE REDISUAL INCOME make in your lifestyle?
Wouldn’t you say it’s time for your slice of the $7 trillion Pie?
Now imagine owning a profitable home base business that you could start TODAY
-          technical know how
-          large capital investment or overhead
-          jeopardizing your current career
-          any of the headaches of owning a traditional business
Where you could earn a life changing income, 24 hours a day 7 days a week… even while you sleep!
What if all of the tools and training were provided for you instantly with simple to follow, step-by-step instructions
We have the answer!
By utilizing our simple strategies and proven techniques, we can show you how to leverage you time in generate a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
The internet is shrinking the world time and speeding up
There is a limited window of opportunity
Timing is critical!
Deregulation didn’t happen for your Grandparents and it won’t happen for you Grandchildren.
It will only happen in your Lifetime!
“Whoever moves First will be the ones to benefit over the next 10 years”
John Chambers, C.E.O., Cisco System
With our simple, proven system, you’ll have the
-          Tools
-          Support
-          Training
You’ll need to create a residual income from home in your slippers.
The question is, do you have a strong enough Desire!
It’s YOUR MOVE! Take the next step! Start your future!
Contact myself at for more information

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Life Changes

I want to pose a question or maybe just a statement. “If what you are doing was going to get you what you want, you would have it already.”  Now mine question is Do YOU Have What You Want Yet?  I don’t so I know I must change my mind-set and my environment to get to what it is that I want. You may ask what it is that I want; fair enough I want to be a Poverty KILLER in my family and to help as many people do the same in their families’ lives. Wipe out debt and the very need to have a J.O.B (just over broke) or (jumping out bed) to go to a job that barely pays you what you are worth. Come on let change our mindsets connect to the people where you want to be. If I want to be like Mike I wouldn’t go talk to Joe Frazier. Both are great men but one is a basketball player and the other is a boxer. Change the company that you keep, if you are the smartest person in the room change your room. If you make the most in the room change your room. You have to hang with Millionaire to become a Millionaire.   
These are just the thoughts of the blog owner. Let me know what you think about them. As always have a Bless Day! ! !

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Promises to Hold Onto in Any Economy

The headlines continue to scream, "We're all in trouble!" Many read them and instantly feel their heart rates soar. For those who understand that God's ways always work, the economy doesn't determine our heart rate or the kind of day we have. We've got a plan, and we're on our way. We don't look to the government to save us. We know that all good gifts come from God, and we're walking in the truth of His Word with our money.

So, what are some of these truths and promises we can hold tightly to? We thought we'd share some with you as an encouragement.

"For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."    
—Psalm 84:11     

"The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it."    
—Proverbs 10:22  

"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous."
—Proverbs 13:22  

"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? "  
—Romans 8:32     

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."    
—Philippians 4:6–7     

"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
—Philippians 4:19

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

By GENE JOHNSON, Associated Press
Associated Press
SEATTLE -- A life insurance company is asking a judge to decide whether any of Josh Powell's relatives are entitled to collect on a $1.5 million policy after he killed himself and his two sons in a house fire last month.
In a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Tacoma, New York Life says it received inquiries from Powell's sister and brother about how to make a claim on the policy. The complaint does not say that the siblings have actually filed any such claims.
Lawyers for the company say they want to turn over to the court's control the proceeds payable under life insurance policies covering Josh and his wife Susan Powell, who disappeared from their Utah home in 2009, and let the judge decide who gets the money.
Copyright: (c) 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Insurer Asks Court to Control Powells' $1.5M Policy Payout

By GENE JOHNSON, Associated Press
Associated Press

SEATTLE -- A life insurance company is asking a judge to decide whether any of Josh Powell's relatives are entitled to collect on a $1.5 million policy after he killed himself and his two sons in a house fire last month.
In a complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Tacoma, New York Life says it received inquiries from Powell's sister and brother about how to make a claim on the policy. The complaint does not say that the siblings have actually filed any such claims.
Lawyers for the company say they want to turn over to the court's control the proceeds payable under life insurance policies covering Josh and his wife Susan Powell, who disappeared from their Utah home in 2009, and let the judge decide who gets the money.
Copyright:(c) 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Is Any Job Better Than No Job?

Unhappy worker. Click image to expand.Despite persistent high unemployment, some employers are having a tough time filling jobs.
"In Bloomington, Ill., machine shop Mechanical Devices can't find the workers it needs to handle a sharp jump in business. Job fairs run by airline Emirates attract fewer applicants in the U.S. than in other countries. Truck-stop operator Pilot Flying J says job postings don't elicit many more applicants than they did when the unemployment rate was below 5 percent."

What gives? Employers these days seem taken aback when highly qualified, experienced people fail to rush to apply for the openings they post. The article supplies several possible explanations: For jobs that require specialized skills, there simply might not be enough qualified applicants; employees accustomed to working at higher-paying office jobs aren't eager to take lower-paying jobs at truck stops and restaurants; some of the unemployed might prefer collecting a few hundred dollars per week in unemployment benefits, while they last, to working a job that pays $8 per hour.
But the Journal article seems to overlook one important factor. Even in an age of historic underutilization of the labor force, the laws of supply and demand apply. Hiring is a negotiation between employers and employees over the terms at which they'll agree to come to work—wages, benefits, working conditions, length of commute, relocation requirements. Maybe some of these employers just aren't offering terms that are good enough.
At  "Mechanical Devices, which supplies parts for earthmovers and other heavy equipment to manufacturers such as Caterpillar Inc., part owner Mark Sperry says he has been looking for $13-an-hour machinists since early last year," the Journal reports. Thirteen dollars an hour, 40 hours per week, 50 weeks per year—that comes to an annual salary of $26,000. (In the adjacent Peoria, Ill., metropolitan area, per capita income was $39,965 in 2008.) Or take Emirates Airlines. When it held jobs fairs in cities like Miami and Houston, only about 50 people showed up, "compared to a global average of about 150 and as many as 1,000 at some events in Europe and Asia." The jobs don't require much in the way of education, and they come with benefits, free accommodations, and a starting salary of $30,000. But you'd have to move halfway around the world, to Dubai—an alien and expensive place. Would you uproot yourself and your family for $30,000 a year? Don't you think both of these employers would find many more interested applicants if they offered higher wages?
In the past few decades, workers have generally lost ground against employers in negotiating terms of employment. Defined-benefit pension plans have been replaced by 401(K)s, and then employers sometimes cut the matching contributions. A smaller percentage of private-sector jobs today come with health insurance, while many workers who have insurance have to pay more for it. Given globalization, the furious pace of mergers and acquisitions, and continuous cost pressures, job security is increasingly tenuous. And so the main thing employees—and potential employees—look at when evaluating their current jobs and potential offers is wages. And here, too, corporate America hasn't been delivering. The median income in 2008 was below what it was in 1998.

Bank of America's 'sneaky' new fees: An outrage?

Bank of America is considering a series of new fees, ranging from $6 to $25 per month, for customers with checking accounts.

Bank of America is working on "sweeping changes" that would levy new fees on customers with checking accounts, The Wall Street Journal reports. Proposed fees, ranging from $6 to $25 a month, could only be waived if customers meet certain requirements that favor the bank — by keeping a minimum balance, taking out a mortgage, or switching to online banking. The report comes months after Bank of America withdrew a proposed $5 monthly fee for using debit cards, after suffering a backlash from customers and lawmakers alike. Unsurprisingly, the new fee plan is already being slammed: Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) calls it "a challenge that cannot go unanswered." Is the bank's scheme outrageous?

Of course. Banks are extorting customers:
It's bad enough that BofA tried to instate the $5 fee for debit card users, says Hamilton Nolan at Gawker. But the new fees — driven by the struggling bank's "insatiable need for sweet, sweet money" — are even "sneakier." And BofA is neglecting an age-old principle of finance: Banks use customer deposits to make loans to others, which in turn results in profits for the banks. It's "ridiculous" to charge customers for providing banks with the capital that is essential to their business.
"Bank of America unveils new, stealthier fees"
But banks have a right to turn a profit: "Banks aren't charities," says Pallavi Gogoi for the Associated Press. They are "public companies and are expected to make a profit somehow." Making money is "not as easy as it used to be." With the Fed encouraging ultra-low interest rates, banks are seeing their traditional profit source dry up. New government regulations have curbed other banking fees, and banks are scrambling to make up for the loss of revenue. Let's face it: "Nothing in banking is free anymore."
"Even after backlash, banks quietly pursuing fees"
Regardless, don't expect BofA to back down: "There's new backbone" in the country's biggest banks, says Linda Stern at Reuters. They realize that they just "can't afford to keep" some customers, particularly those with small checking account balances. So they're growing bolder about charging fees, and "if those customers find other financial services to use instead of banks, so be it." But if "you like the convenience of an ATM on every corner and a great online bill-pay application, you may be better off sucking it up and paying the monthly bank fee."
"When your bank doesn't want you"