Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Life Changes

I want to pose a question or maybe just a statement. “If what you are doing was going to get you what you want, you would have it already.”  Now mine question is Do YOU Have What You Want Yet?  I don’t so I know I must change my mind-set and my environment to get to what it is that I want. You may ask what it is that I want; fair enough I want to be a Poverty KILLER in my family and to help as many people do the same in their families’ lives. Wipe out debt and the very need to have a J.O.B (just over broke) or (jumping out bed) to go to a job that barely pays you what you are worth. Come on let change our mindsets connect to the people where you want to be. If I want to be like Mike I wouldn’t go talk to Joe Frazier. Both are great men but one is a basketball player and the other is a boxer. Change the company that you keep, if you are the smartest person in the room change your room. If you make the most in the room change your room. You have to hang with Millionaire to become a Millionaire.   
These are just the thoughts of the blog owner. Let me know what you think about them. As always have a Bless Day! ! !

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