Wednesday, May 9, 2012

There is something you should know that we feel is of vital importance…..
“Throughout history, millions of people of average intelligence and education, or even less that, started with nothing and created wonderful lives…..
That’s because nature is neutral and knows nothing about your background;
It rewards whoever follows certain rules that have been shown over and over to produce results.
The truth is that most people can achieve whatever they want.
“Lots of smarter, but more skeptical people don’t try-and they remain unsuccessful.”
Brain Tracy- Success Magazine
“There is no mistake so great as the mistake of not going on.” William Blake
60% of American families are living at or just above poverty level.
That is over 140 million people in the United States alone!
Over 1.7 million jobs were cut last year. Are you the next number on the list?
Only 1 in 5 mothers is a “Stay at home mom.” Nearly half working mothers are single mothers working two jobs.
1 out of every 5 parents works 2 jobs. 74% of the children in the U.S. are cared for by people other than their parents. What does the future hold for our children?
What is the answer?
What if you or your spouse lost the ability to go to work? How long could you get by ,or How long would it be before you lost everything you own? Think about it…….
The disturbing truth is, after 40 year at age 65:
-          29% are dead
-          63% depend on family and social security
-          4% are financially secure
-          3% a still working
-          1% are wealthy
It is time to take control! ! !
How did the 1% wealthy do it?
74% owned their own business
The Internet and e-commerce along with Global Deregulation offer the ultimate leverage for you to start YOUR own business
The Greatest shift in mankind is starting to unfold Global Deregulation will create more millionaires than any other industry in the history of the world.
What does Deregulation mean to you?
It means tapping into a $7 Trillion Dollar... & Growing Industry
Long Distance= $80 Billion dollars Industry
Internet Global Shopping = $5 Trillion dollar Industry
Cellular Industry = $50 Billion Dollar Industry
Local Phone Deregulation = $50 Billion dollar Industry
Gas & Utility Industry Deregulation = $ 500 Billion dollar Industry
It Means Getting Paid for helping people save money on services they use every day
The Internet                      Cell Phones
On-line Shopping            Electricity
Paging                                  Natural Gas
Long distance                    Local Toll Calls
What difference could PASSIVE REDISUAL INCOME make in your lifestyle?
Wouldn’t you say it’s time for your slice of the $7 trillion Pie?
Now imagine owning a profitable home base business that you could start TODAY
-          technical know how
-          large capital investment or overhead
-          jeopardizing your current career
-          any of the headaches of owning a traditional business
Where you could earn a life changing income, 24 hours a day 7 days a week… even while you sleep!
What if all of the tools and training were provided for you instantly with simple to follow, step-by-step instructions
We have the answer!
By utilizing our simple strategies and proven techniques, we can show you how to leverage you time in generate a residual income 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
The internet is shrinking the world time and speeding up
There is a limited window of opportunity
Timing is critical!
Deregulation didn’t happen for your Grandparents and it won’t happen for you Grandchildren.
It will only happen in your Lifetime!
“Whoever moves First will be the ones to benefit over the next 10 years”
John Chambers, C.E.O., Cisco System
With our simple, proven system, you’ll have the
-          Tools
-          Support
-          Training
You’ll need to create a residual income from home in your slippers.
The question is, do you have a strong enough Desire!
It’s YOUR MOVE! Take the next step! Start your future!
Contact myself at for more information

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